Couples that meditate together might experience this as being a very intimate moment even though there is no tangible physical component during this activity. You don’t speak, touch, or hear each other.  What you do share is not measured on a physical scale.  It is purely energetic.  Now, if you have been meditating for a while, the transition from meditating with your partner to meditating alone should not affect you in a profound way.  You would be initially aware of the difference, you would be aware you are alone in that room or space, but once you dive into yourself, your center, you should find yourself in a familiar flow. After all, there is no activity more “you”, than your own meditation…that’s as “you” as you are going to get.

there is no activity more “you”, than your own meditation…that’s as “you” as you are going to get

Perhaps a minor detail, but to some, an important one.  Meditating without any limits or dependencies. I’ve done quite a few tandem and group meditations the last couple of years, and often when it’s plural, you set a start and an end time.  There’s a lot of reasons why you would want to do it like this with a group (which we won’t get into in this article), but as much as I like the group sessions, I have a strong preference to meditate on my own terms.  I can sit around, twiddle my thumbs, fall prey to a plethora of distractions, take my time to let the focus muscles warm up, and when the time is exactly right, dive into it. 

Once I get started meditating, I’ve never really liked to tie it to a time limit.  Sometimes I want to end it a bit sooner, or sometimes I want to stay there for as long as I feel like, without having any pressure that I have to keep up with anyone else.  Like I said, perhaps it’s a small detail, but one that really makes the meditation experience so much more profound for me.  

Why not channel all those good vibes and use them so you can have a great day with yourself?

Arguably, one of the most pleasant aspects about meditating together with your partner is how you both feel after a meditation session.  You would most likely feel very rested, relaxed, with a very nice energy flow.  Having your partner in this same wavelength certainly factors into how the rest of your day together will progress.  Why not channel all those good vibes and use them so you can have a great day with yourself?  You are charged with great energy, relaxed, and bright eyed.  The perfect set up to undertake anything on your radar with the best possible attitude.  

Meditation is one of the most precious gifts you can give yourself

Meditation is one of the most precious gifts you can give yourself.  It’s also one of the most versatile activities you could think of.  It works in huge groups, small groups, with couples, and without question, by yourself.  It’s understandable if you need to get used to the transition, but there is no reason why you would distance yourself from such a wonderful way of life.  

The more you do it on your own, the more you will love it!

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